Sunday, June 1, 2008

Here's proof

My parents came to visit us a few weeks ago, on one leg of their mega-Europe trip, and now it seems like a dream. It's so weird to think that they were actually here ... in Poland ... with us. We have spent eight months in Poland now and I feel like it might as well have been Antarctica, for how far away we've felt. But it's true — our two worlds of home and Poland combined and now Anna can correctly identify Grandma and Grandpa and, though she has stopped asking to play with them, she at least points to the computer (where she sees them on Skype) and asks for them there.

Anyway, when my parents got here, they were pretty tired from their whirlwind trip to Normandy, and Trevor and I were totally spent after our rigorous trip to the Freiberg temple, so we didn't do much of anything while they were here. We showed them a good time at a huge grocery store, the park (several times), and a fancy Polish restaurant ... where my mom and Trevor took turns staying outside with Anna the whole time because she was a total crank. We didn't see many sites, but we LOVED having them here. We loved talking and laughing (my parents are a riot) and reminiscing about how my dad's first interaction with the Polish people was when he bumped into a drunk man while getting off a bus in Warsaw and getting yelled at and hit on the back. But I'm pretty sure the week hits its peak when me and my dad whooped up at Pictionary. It was such a fun time.

So here's proof (for you and for me) that my parents were actually in Poland.

So my parents aren't actually IN this picture, but someone had to be taking it, right?


  1. I may be mistaken but I think A. Synn might be wearing some hip jeans.

    There's my annual comment.

  2. oh no way! that little darling can't be yours and trevor's. good heavens me!

  3. Looks and sounds like you all had fun. Hey did I tell you that Anthony and I are going out to Europe in about two weeks. We're going to Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Italy. We are going to be chaperoning 30 high school students on there senior class trip. Yeah for us!!!!

  4. Rene, your trip sounds amazing! I'll think of you when you're in the Czech Republic and Germany, since you'll be closest to us then. (Somehow I'll intuitively know when you're there...)
