Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A funny moment

Trevor's lovely mother sent us for Anna's birthday "The Ultimate Lullaby Collection," a set of four lullaby CDs and the lyrics to all of them. I was totally amazed that the company who made it could come up with 50 lullabies (when I could come up with approximately 3). It's got all the classics, like Brahms' Lullaby, Rock-a-bye Baby, Hush Little Baby, etc. There's also a CD with all classical music, which is great — Anna will be even smarter now. So then I started flipping through the lyrics book and stopped when I saw the title "Raisins and Almonds." It reads:

To my little one's cradle in the night,
Comes a little goat snowy and white.

The goat will trot to the market

While mother her watch does keep,

Bringing back raisins and almonds.

Sleep, my little one sleep.

I read them aloud and said, "You can't just add sleep words to the end of a weird poem and call it a lullaby."

Trevor agreed and said,

"Dear baby,
Today I went to the market and got some raisins.

Now go to sleep.'"


  1. Okay, first of all, I'm really grateful that you specifically typed " Brahms' " lullaby instead of " Brahm's " lullaby. Really. A subtle possessive apostrophe error like that can really set me off, so thank you.

    Secondly, I think I could make it real big in this industry, writing any kind of short story slash "weird poem" and slap an unrelated nocturnal couplet on the end. I'll have to further look into it.

    Thirdly (yes, i just coined that word, which means it is a pormanteau word. Which means I am a nerd) I can just HEAR Trevor saying that, and then Ashley's melodic laugh and it makes me miss you guys so much. Really. I have a proposal. Please come back and live in Utah again instead of some crazy place like New York (Honestly, you never know what kind of crazy insane bike-riding, Jessie Spano, self-proclaimed philanthropists live there.) after this wonderful Poland excursion. We have full-size fridges and only one word per animal (when it's being used as an object, or if it's in a different room, or if you're eating it, or it's in indirectly related to the subject of the sentence.) It's quite simple and lovely.

  2. !!

    Don't listen to her, Ash. *shakes fist at Melissa* We're not all crazy out here.

    sidenote: when i first read "Ashley's melodic laugh" for some reason I read it as "Ashley's mediocre laugh." Ha ha. Harsh laugh critic.

    p.s. this post is really funny. I laughed for a good 10 seconds straight at Trevor's "lullaby." I love it. Read off your shopping list or whatever. That's probably what i would do if i sang a lullaby.
