Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Birthday Girl

Anna's birthday was last Saturday, but since we're the worst parents in the world and we decided at the last minute to go to a friend's wedding instead of doing anything for her, we've been randomly celebrating it over the past several days.

First Day of Fun

When you were a kid, especially when Mother's Day or Father's Day came around, didn't you always whine and complain, asking why there isn't a Children's Day? I know I did. And I'm pretty sure most parents answered like mine: "Because EVERY day is Children's Day." But not so in Poland. Children's Day is supposedly bigger than Mother's Day or Father's Day here. Even though Anna didn't really know why she was getting cool presents, she didn't mind celebrating one bit.

Our kind neighbor Nina invited us over a few days before Children's Day (June 1) for a huge lunch, and she showered Anna with flowers and gifts to celebrate. Here are a couple pictures of her blowing out her special candles (which she requested to blow out several times) and her flowers. (Nevermind the number three sticking out of the bouquet — she's only 2.)

On Children's Day, friends at church gave her so many presents. She came away with a bar of chocolate, a stuffed animal, a big ball, a bucket with a shovel and rake, and a Barbie. Anna loves the Barbie and calls it her "lala," the Polish word for "doll."

Second Day of Fun

A few days ago, we had a friend over and we ate strawberry shortcake to celebrate. This time we actually sang "Happy Birthday," so it was a little more official. Don't ask me why I left the gorgeous-looking strawberry shortcake out of the photo, but isn't Anna absolutely adorable?

Third Day of Fun

Yesterday, Anna opened her presents and this picture nicely captures her new sunglasses and hat and the chocolate on her face (if you look closely) from the kinder egg that she devoured immediately upon opening.

So we're apparently too disorganized or lazy (or both) to do it all on one day, but there you have it. I wish I could say that it's hard to believe that she's already 2 because she's been saying she's that old for the last six months. I think "two" must be easier to say than "one," so I'm pretty used to it by now. But at least now it's official.
Happy Birthday, Anna!


  1. oh i LOVE these pictures! Those sunglasses are totally 90's-tastic! Love it. And duh, what did you expect? It's a KINDER egg for crying out loud. That's the first thing I would do... but the one in the high-chair is my favorite. I love her hair...

  2. Melissa,

    I'll have you know that the 90's were not all that long ago, thank you very much. I'm not offended, and I still respect you and our friendship, but the truth has to be told: the 90's have not really even ended. (and don't roll your eyes and say 'Brother Banks.')

  3. WHAT THE CRAP--that cute picture almost made me fall out of my chair when i scrolled down and saw it. Way, way too cute. She is so old!!!

    Trevor, can i roll my eyes and say "Brother Banks"? for no reason. just because.

  4. Trevor,

    Let's get something straight here. Did I ever say anything derogatory about the 90's? No. Negative. In fact, I believe that slapping a suffix like "tastic" on to a root word can only be interpreted as a compliment. Secondly, yes. The 90's (in the truest sense of the term) are in fact, over. I hate to be the bearer of bad news (because let's face it, the end of an era like that can only be just that - BAD news) but the ought '0 (insert corresponding digit here_______) days have officially taken over. Now, if you would have done your research before making such bogus slash accusatory claims, you would have noticed that last night I paid homage to one of the best parts of the 90's on my blog.

    Much love and respect (despite your outlandish and outdated beliefs),


  5. Thanks to all for your comments. It warms my heart to know that other people also think my child is super cute, so now I know that I'm not one of those people who think their child is beautiful...only to find out later that they're actually, in reality, not that attractive.

  6. Oh Ashley- That is one of my greatest fears! Ugly children. It's an epidemic. But I want you to know, that I'm not really a fan of children in general, but I absolutely LOVE Anna. So that's definitely a good sign. So yeah, don't worry about that awkward realization as you look back on pictures... she actually IS as cute as you think she is. :)

  7. When does that ever happen? A parent wakes up one day, looks at their kid and thinks, "what the h---?? my kid is ugly!!" No.

    (I like how no one's saying "but all children are beautiful in their own way!" )

  8. Hi guys. We lost your email address and we set our blog to private, but we couldn't send you an invitation. So, if you want to see our blog as well, send us an email. Anna is so cute! How much longer are you in Poland? Take it easy.
