Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is what you do for fun...

...when you're poor and you don't want to spend a lot of money on toys that you won't be able to take with you after your yearlong stay in Poland.

You save your empty water bottles and let your daughter play with them in her crib. (You'll see the water bottles again. Just you wait.)

You turn the port-o-crib on its side and make it into a cage. You also tie a scarf around the neck of your cowgirl daughter.

You let your daughter dance around in the rain cover for the stroller. (With the apple t-shirt and pajamas on underneath, I call it haute couteur.)

You eat cute little pastries that a friend brings by, therefore allowing you to avoid spending any money. (Really, I just wanted an excuse to put this picture on the blog. Kind of random and sorry for the bluriness, but aren't they cute chocolates?)

You make a toy out of a store-bought salad container and water bottle lids. Anna was playing with this when a friend was over and she took one look at it and said, " Oh. That's . . . creative."

I think this photo speaks for itself.
You save all your empty water bottles and then let your daughter bowl with them . . . and eventually fall into the pit of plastic.

And the epitome of economical fun:
You wrap up a broken computer you found in your apartment upon moving in and give it to your daughter as a present.


  1. And you will have the most creative and imaginative child for it.

  2. Careful with the water bottle caps, they are pretty bad choking hazards for little kids.
    You could always clean out your water bottles and then use them for your emergency supply of water. That's quite the stash you have.
    Oh, when we were super poor--we would save the metal lids off frozen juice concentrate and then put a sticker on them. They became "pogs"--kids love playing with them and you don't feel bad loosing them either!

  3. I love it. Please tell me you wrapped the computer in that newspaper.

  4. Yes, you may have given your daughter a used computer but does that compare to your brother giving your own shirt back to you for Christmas?

  5. The computer sure was wrapped in the newspaper, a la Trevor. Classic.

    And Jon, you're so right. That one is hard to beat.

  6. Water bottles are the best toys. Josie loves them too. Why buy anything? That would be dumb.
