Thursday, June 30, 2011

Don't shower more than necessary.

This is one of the mottoes I choose to live by. And by more than necessary, I mean to never violate my cardinal rule of showering: never shower on consecutive days.

Showering is a pain. Drying and straightening my hair is an effort. And doing so every day is not a worthwhile use of my time—and I'm way too lazy for that. Every other day is sufficient for me. But sometimes, because I need to realign my shower schedule to the right days of the week, I have to go two days without showering (in order to avoid breaking the cardinal rule). I think the rest of my body can handle it, but it's my hair that usually suffers.

Like today. It's a curly phase, which usually covers up Day 3 quite nicely, but I went swimming yesterday and now I'm one step away from dreadlocks. Do I regret not showering today? No. Did I count swimming as somewhat of a shower? Maybe. Is my hair totally wild and out of control today, as a result? Yes. Do I care? No. Because above all else, I won't shower more than necessary.


  1. Are you sure you aren't part Polish? I'm pretty sure most of Europe lives by the same motto. :)

  2. Ha ha. I think the biggest difference between us, however, is that I do use an effective deodorant.

  3. I agree. Although I don't consider it a cardinal rule, I only shower every other day. And sometimes I really enjoy a nice hot shower. But all the hair work that comes after it - just a waste. My hair is naturally wavy/frizzy. No easy curls. So it takes a time investment to make it presentable. People often find this showering-every-other-day fact disturbing, so I usually tell people I *wash* my hair every other day and they seem to get that better. :) But now that yuo're out of the closet, maybe I should be too.

  4. I smelled nothing so you're totally fine. And who cares where that glow you had came from. :)

  5. SO happy you posted this! I wish I was a hippie, or at least lived in a community with a more dense Granola population. A few months ago I didn't shower for 4 days and Russell finally told me I looked and smelled homeless. I showered the next day. Boo. Didn't the pioneers only take a bath on Saturday nights? Pretty sure they didn't have deodorant either. Just saying.........
