Monday, June 13, 2011

The last and final birthday post, I promise.

Just a few pictures to record all of the birthday hullabaloo. We started out the day with breakfast and presents. Anna had to try a few of them out right then and there.

Imagine some pink cowgirl boots with this outfit and you'll have a complete picture of this preciousness.

She was so cute when she opened her presents. Here are some things she said:

"Goggles! What I've always wanted!" (This just made me laugh, that these words actually came out of her mouth.)

"This is such good!"

Then she got all sweet and quiet . . . and melodramatic: "I just love everything. You're too nice. I don't know how to thank you. I'm going to cry. BWAH! Ha ha!"

Later, we had her birthday party. Ten little girls makes for a lot of . . . fun. Mostly.

They . . .

played group tag

painted butterfly magnets

learned to hula

ate these
These cupcakes were kind of labor intensive but so bright and fun. You can read me the riot act about food dyes later.

and drank strawberry daiquiris out of fancy glasses and watched Anna open some presents.

Anna got a lot of presents that day, probably too many. But when the girl can get this excited over a bottle of bubbles, you can't really complain too much, can you?

All of the adorable little ladies with their treasure boxes we found at the end of the treasure hunt.

Later that night, we ate some cake, which Anna marked by making a succession of really great faces.

Making a wish...

Happy birthday, Anna!


  1. happy birthday anna indeed. I've been waiting for this post. Super fun, Ash! Great job.

  2. My favorite picture is the one where the girls are learning to hula. Such expressions of concentration! And each girl seems to have her own interpretation of what is being taught. Also, the cupcakes are marvelous! (Leave it to me to enjoy the food picture.)

  3. Ha ha. I love the hula picture too. Especially little Evie on the left, who seems to be doing more of a hip-hop hula.
