Thursday, January 12, 2012

Annacdotes 20

1. Another mind-bending knock knock joke from Anna. It just took an unexpected turn (or two) that caught me off guard.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Apple pie.
Apple pie, who?
Apple pie spaceship! Ahhh! We're in trouble! We need help. [pause] Um, I think we ARE the help.

2. Anna: "Mom, I know one of the greatest powers on earth, to love your enemies." [Thanks, Veggie Tales.] "But do you love Satan?"
me: "I don't know. I don't hate him . . . "
Anna: "Yeah, I think I'm . . . kind of in the middle with Satan. I don't love him, but I don't hate him."

3. In a recent prayer, Anna said, "I hope that all of the members of my family grow up to be wonderful people . . . even the ones who haven't arrived on earth yet from heaven." Aww . . .

after a dance performance at the Festival of Trees last month

4. "Love is like 50 crushes."

5. I got Anna a new toothbrush and told her to go throw her old one away. She said, "Okay, but not before I kiss it to give it some good memories."

Displaying the massive paint set she got for Christmas.

6. Explaining things to Anna "like she's a five year old" is becoming increasingly more difficult. On one recent day, I had to explain DNA and the inner workings of the toaster. I'm going to need to do some brushing up before we get much further.

7. The other day, Anna said like three things in a row that made me burst out laughing with delight at her creativity and humor. (Sadly, I can't remember what she said. Just know it was amazing.) After my third outburst, we were both laughing, and she said, "You never planned on having a child quite like me, did you?" No, ma'am, I did not.

One night, the doorbell rang. And standing there was this bag lady. She had spent quite a while trying to disguise herself so that no one would know it was her. Check it out: three scarves, one of which went on her head and around her neck, a huge bustle, a crown, and some clip-on earrings. She may be the cutest bag lady I have ever seen.


  1. I've said this before, but she is awesome. Also awesome that you document it all. I should be better about that.

  2. Ha ha. Thanks, Rob. And speaking of awesome, the picture of Anna with the paints kind of reminded me of Halle. Do you see it?

  3. I LOVE the Flipbook App. I was sleepily stumbling through it last night & it brought me to this Goldmine-of-Niece-ness. I love that you have such good experiences with your Annacdotes. They remind me of the things I'd say & do as a 5 year old kid. Like the time I asked our neighbor why she was so fat. Yeah....I like Anna's stuff better, too.

  4. Ya! They do kind of look alike, and I guess we have the red head gene in there somewhere...who knew? Even though Anna is younger, I think they would have a ton of fun together. Unfortunately, you live in the wrong state. Steph comes down to visit my Mom, you should too!!!
