Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gross Candy Party

A few days ago, my sister and I stopped at the store to stock up on some treats before we headed to a showing of Harry Potter. We looked over the bulk candy section and I jokingly asked her if she wanted a pound of burnt peanuts, one of the world's least appetizing candies. After a little chuckle, I started thinking about how it might be fun to host a Gross Candy Party, to give some of the least desirable, often forgotten candy a chance to shine — because who in the world actually buys and eats them? I guess somebody does, because they keep making it. Anyway, want to come to my party?

We started listing off all of the candies that might make the gross cut, and here's the lineup so far.

burnt peanuts

and these

circus peanuts
(What are they even made of? Nothing at all related to peanuts, that's what.)

and chiclets
a.k.a. candy-coated gum that that rivals the taste and chewiness of a scrap of paper

And these.

I saw this picture in my search for something else and couldn't resist putting these on the list too. These ones are called "Sundae Neapolitan Coconut." What? That's like 8 flavors too many all in one little candy. Sick.(Quite honestly, Brach's may have to host the party. I could almost put their whole line up here.)

I think a lot of people might disagree with me, but I never saw the draw to candy corn.

Boston Baked Beans(To be honest, I may not have ever actually tried these. But the name sounds sick. Candy makers, it's a good idea to avoid naming candy after dinner food.)

Instead of "The original candy wafer," I think the slogan should read, "The first candy ever made" or "Tastes like chalk!"

Any others you'd like to add?


  1. I like eating half of those candies. But be nostalgia. Where do you find those cocnut Napoleon things anymore? Sheesh!

  2. Those are all gross candies! Would you mind too terribly if I copy your idea?! Adam and I really would love to do this.

  3. I actually just learned that Necco Wafers were eaten by Union Soldiers in the Civil War! They are totally nasty, but they make great shingles for gingerbread houses.

  4. I'm embarassed to admit that I like most of those candies. Especially the burnt peanuts.

  5. Rachel: It's totally true. When I was writing this, I knew there was one more candy I couldn't remember, so I searched for old time candy and found just the one I was looking for.

    Annjilla: I'd be honored.

    Rob: Excellent point. Most of these candies, while not appealing in flavor to some, do serve a good purpose.

    Lara: Please don't be embarrassed. This was just one girl's opinion. :D

  6. No, be embarrassed. They are FOUL. ( :) ) I loved this, Ash. Totally made me bust. You're right, Brach's loves all things gross. I have been trying to think of others to add and will let you know when i do.

    You know what we should do? Actually buy these candies and eat them and rate them on a scale of grossness.

  7. Well, I actually like candy corn, but all the others are gross. I would like to add: Bit-O-Honey, Chick-O-Sticks, black licorice, Pez (the candy that goes in the dispensers, I always loved the dispensers, but the candy was so gross), and the black and orange candy that all the cheap-o people hand out at Halloween. I liked this post, but now I think you should do a good candy list like Gobstoppers, Nerds, Bottlecaps, Mambas, oh, I could go on...I ate way too much candy as a kid!

  8. by the way, Art Is Free is another name I go by...

  9. i love that they make ALL of those sicko candies because i can walk down the candy aisle and snub them. there is NO temptation for me...take that! unfortunately, the other half of the candy aisle beckons me.....and i do eat.

  10. Do PEEPS count as candy since they are so seasonal? icky. My kids love them. Can we get them in yellow, blue, pink, green AND purple?!

  11. Whoa! I can't believe tootsie rolls aren't on here. aka little rolls of poop. (I'm still thinking, by the way. seriously)

  12. Yeah, I'm totally with you guys on the tootsie rolls (I can't believe I forgot those!), chick-o-sticks, and pez. All equally gross.

  13. Boston Baked Beans are actually fantastic. And I like Candy Corns. But you are all to right with everything else. Mostly those Sundae Neopolitan Coconut things. If I remember correctly, they manage to both taste gross and have the texture of really old coconut.

  14. tootsie rolls definitely need to be on the list. maybe twice.

    but i truly enjoy the first two you listed!

  15. Um I would love to come to the candy party...mainly because I love most of those candies. Anthony always makes fun of me when I buy them because he says no one eats those candies because they are so gross. mmmmm I love them.

  16. Okay so I have to tell you--you've inspired me! In two weeks I'm having this gross candy party! I'm totally thrilled and excited and I will try to remember to post pictures. It seems like the perfect Halloween party. Oh and while I'm chatting away on your blog-I LOVE your blankets. Your fabric choices for the "quilt" are amazing. Sorry, I'm not a crafter and it's probably not a quilt, but I do try my hand at sewing projects and I am quite inspired. Oh by the way, I'm Wayne's sister-in-law and I claim your father as a past professor (Dr Scoresby those little nibs really do help in the testing lab...).
