Saturday, August 1, 2009

Annacdotes, Part 4

Potty training with Anna has been interesting. We stopped and started several times, for various reasons, but once we finally got down to business, it went better than I ever dreamed it would. But now she's kind of over the excitement phase of going to the potty and she's currently in the "I'm-too-busy-to-bother" phase, as though taking a potty break is just asking too much. One night before bed, I told her it was time to go to the potty and she said, "But I just went!" Knowing that wasn't true, I said, "Oh yeah? When did you go?" She said, "I think, like 30 years ago." Ha. Her story totally didn't add up. Point 1 for Mom. Now if she only understood logic, I would be able to use this argument against her. Point 2 for Anna.

2. During breakfast the other day, Anna totally out of the blue asked me, "Mom, do you have a closet?" Surprised, I laughed and then started saying something about there being one in the bedroom, but then she cut me off and said, "No, you don't. Go fish!" What silliness. What a funny joke. What logic. She's a wonder.

3. She likes Raisin Bran.

4. This was how we celebrated Pioneer Day. How could you not love this girl?
So stoic. Like a true pioneer.

Yes, that is a stalk of rhubarb she's eating. And despite the look on her face, she really liked it and ate the whole thing.

This dress, by the way, was on loan from Trevor's mom who made it years ago. Isn't it amazing? Anna couldn't wait to wear it. We decided that she could be either a pioneer OR Anna of Green Gables.

5. The first line of the latest story Anna was making up: "There once was a watch named Phil."

I can't wait to hear how that one turns out.

This also reminds me of how she recently began to recount the story about the two kids who went up a hill to fetch a pail of water. Anna's version featured "Jack and Bill." Funny. (I thought it was just a terribly contemporary retelling of the classic nursery rhyme.)


  1. Oh my. Once again I am reminded of why Anna is one of only two children in the world that doesn't make me want to rip out my womb.

    #2 is cracking me up. Maybe I'll start adding "go fish" to the end of my jokes to get a bigger laugh.

    Also, #5 reminds me a bit of MY 3-year-old self. A few years ago my mom found a book I had dictated and she had transcribed. It was a very dramatic (not surprising) account of a girl named Matheson who did lots of exclaiming, declaring, and shouting. Good times.

    Thanks for the laugh, Ashley!

  2. the anna of green gables pic get more points than i can count.

  3. Melissa, I love you. That comment was priceless.

    And Wayne, just so you don't feel left out, you're the best. Here's a big slug to the shoulder.

  4. isn't rhubarb poison?

  5. Yes. Haven't you ever had strawberry and poison jam or strawberry and poison pie?

    Actually, only the leaves are poisonous. The stems are fine. And, after a little research, I just found out that you would have to eat 11 pounds of rhubarb greens to die. Just fyi.
