Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A question posed

What do you think it says about one's blog if the two posts that produced the most comments were about toothpaste and gross candy?


  1. It doesn't say anything about your blog, but about the people that comment on your blog...weirdos.

  2. i totally agree with mindy... your blog readers are strange. i shared your "tasty treat" link with my husband and his response was "well, it makes it a lot easier to tell someone to "eat sh**" yeah. that's the kinda people we are. :)

  3. it means you should post more things about toothpaste and gross candy, if you want the comments. i'm a total sell out.

    p.s. word verification: "pecre." I'm uncomfortable with this.

  4. It takes one to know one folks. I'm the craziest there is.

  5. I'm just glad that one post wasn't about toothpaste and gross candy. That's yucky.

  6. All very insightful. And totally not what I was thinking, so thanks, folks.

    And Rachel, you're right! I SHOULD write about kids' toothpaste (since it's practically in the candy category) and how vile and disgusting it is, yet I totally buy it for Anna.

  7. Actually, that's about all I have to say about kids' toothpaste, so consider it posted.
