Friday, February 8, 2008

Anna's word book

So here's a little movie that shows much of Anna's vocabulary. I point to stuff in her favorite word book and she tells me what the pictures are. Watching it again, I now realize that you may not be able to understand what she's saying at all, but it sounds as clear as can be to us because we hear her words for things all day. For instance, would you know that "me" actually means "milk"? Yeah, I didn't think so. But that's common knowledge around here. Anyway, I usually repeat the word after she says it, so at least you can sort of figure out what she's saying.

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure this little movie classifies as one of those things that parents think is the cutest thing ever and everyone else thinks is Stale City. Sorry about that. But for the true Anna die hards (grandparents, this one's for you), now you can see how many words the little smarty knows. And, most importantly, now you can see the real Anna, the one who is happy and animated and chatty, not the mute she seems to become when we do the videophone.


  1. Ooookaaay. I LOVE the elephant. Totally made me bust. That's exactly how I do an elephant sound, complete with trunk/arm swing. I love this, so very much. What a cute smarty pants and a smart cutie pants. Fun stuff.

  2. ok, it sounds like i often mimic animal sounds like small children do, as if i'm a small child. Well, maybe i do, nothing wrong with that. We should all refresh our animal sounds.

    Seriously though, i've recently been playing that game at random times with small kids or whatever and the elephant has come up several times.

  3. I love the animal noises. She is so dang cute.

  4. wow Ashley, she is gooood! I have a 15 month old and I thought he was super smart. She's got him beat. I will have to get one of those books. I can't believe you're in Poland, crazy, but fun. What sort of film is your hubby doing? I am glad I found you through Jen's blog. You 2 are fun writers.
