Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween bits and pieces

  1. We carved our pumpkin a few days ago. Anna requested the shapes for each part of the face and I did the carving. We learned that skinny trapezoids make very scary eyes.
  2. For a few months, Anna was torn between being a hula dancer and a cowgirl for Halloween. When it came down to it, though, she decided on being Tinkerbell instead. And then when she unearthed a cheerleading outfit in her room that we came by accidentally, she suddenly wanted to be a cheerleader. But I tried to quell that wishful thinking as soon as I could.
  3. To accomplish the quelling, I may have agreed to have a party with just me and her so that she could wear the cheerleading outfit at home and then wear the fairy outfit out trick or treating. I'm pretty sure the party will be awesome.
  4. In related news, some words you never want to hear your child say that I heard last week: "Mom, I want to be a cheerleader when I grow up!" Where did this come from?
  5. She turned out to be a very cute Tinkerbell, which is not surprising in the least.

She added the gloves and the jewels at the last minute and said, "Now I'm a royal fairy." It called to mind the conglomeration that was last year's costume.

Anyway, I've got to go to bed. Either the day was totally full and fun and exhausting . . . or I'm now on the other side of a sugar high. Or both.

1 comment:

  1. that's pretty much my halloween post:

    blah blah, here are some pictures *hurl!* cute kid, yeah yeah. parade, candy, yeah. *heave*

    goooooood times. :)
