Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eat that, rollerblades

Rollerblades and I have had a very tarnished—albeit short—history. The first time I went rollerblading, I went down a hill that was WAY too big for a beginner and I fell. I put my hand out to catch myself and ended up breaking and dislocating my pinky (pinkie? how is this spelled?) finger. And that was the last time I ever rollerbladed. I haven't written them off, or anything. I've just never done it since.

Anyway, that makes my dream last night all the better. In my dream, someone gave me a pair of these babies...

...but they were made for adults and better quality. I instantly put them on and took off down the street, going maybe 30 miles an hour. I was amazing! You would not believe the triple axles I was pulling. Ah, it was a good dream.


  1. oh my gosh i love those!!!! such good memories. like roller skating in gravel.

  2. I had those exact skates when I was a kid. Now, as a parent, why would we attach wheels our kids teeth and set them off? I think I was 5 or 6 when doing this...I can't imagine doing that to Halle. Maybe by my 6th kid (not going to happen).

  3. Those are so much better than the metal ones I had as a kid. You could hear us coming a mile away.
