Sunday, October 19, 2008

We finally moved!

After a two-day road trip, which included Anna throwing up three times to effectively break in the new car seat, we are here. Anna and I drove down to LA with Trevor's parents and his brother Devan last Thursday and Friday. We unloaded the U-haul Friday afternoon and evening and spent yesterday shopping and installing so we have more places to put all of our stuff. Every wall is lined with boxes, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be that way for a long time. But it's good to be with Trevor and it's good to have our own place with our own stuff. Get excited for the before and after photos to come.

In many ways, I feel like I've been constantly moving for the past two months, living out of suitcases at my parents' house and packing up all of our belongings, little by little, to prepare for the out-of-state move. But on the other hand, I feel like I've been moving for the last year. International moves are hard and I also feel like we were always on the go in Poland, fleeing the country for one reason or another.

So with that said, I'm ready to be done. I'm ready for my day at the beach and subsequent day at the spa NOW.

Too bad there's still like 500 boxes left to unpack.


  1. I like "fleeing the country for one reason or another."

  2. welcome to, you should get registered to TODAY so you can vote no on prop 8. it's kinda a big deal... :) and i'm hoping i can see you sometime in all of this...

  3. for reals though...the 20th is the last day to register for the upcoming election. :)

  4. Good luck with those 500 boxes. So Miranda lives in the greater LA area and one of these days when I'm out to visit we'll have to take a trip to the beach or something. :o)

  5. I'm glad you made it there ok. Traveling with a toddler is never easy! Thanks SO much for the Polish ornament and candy!I'm sad that we've pretty much eaten it all already!

  6. Thanks Kim for the voting tips. I'm on it.
