Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Worst Job in the World

One kind of milk they have in Poland is the kind that you can store on your shelf for a few weeks or months before you use it. But once you open it, it goes bad pretty quickly, usually within 2 or 3 days. And you can't leave it out of the fridge for more than a few minutes or else it's Rancid City. This kind of milk has its obvious pros and cons, but one downside has made me realize I have the worst job in the world.

See, Anna likes to open the fridge and get her milk cup out by herself, sometimes without us really knowing it. And since she's also quite a mover and shaker, her cup gets left out all the time. It could be anywhere from in the closet to in the stroller to under the couch, at any given time. I frequently say a mild curse under my breath whenever I see it sitting out, because I don't know how long it's been out and there's a good chance that it's already gone bad. And, as her mother and protector, I know I'm going to have to taste it before I give it back to her.

Anna has seen me taste her milk and then, when it's gone bad, quickly spit out the putrid liquid enough times so that she'll sometimes make a face and say "ewwww" when she takes the first drink — even if the milk is still good. (Other times, she reassures me that it's okay, just like I do to her.)

I realize there's no way I can get out of this, the worst job in the world, if I want to give my daughter unspoiled milk to drink. And complaining isn't going to help anything, but that hasn't stopped me, has it?


  1. Easy trick--just assume all milk left out has gone bad and give her only new milk. That way you'll never have to sip sour milk again.

  2. Can't you just smell it. Ug. That is the worst job in the world.

  3. Wait--so what's the worst job in the world? Being a mother and protecting your child from rotten milk? Or tasting rotten milk. Just wanted to clarify. Let me know, as I am are now calling child services...

    I understand, however, as Andrea made me taste sour milk once and i'm pretty sure it's what evil tastes like. I can't believe she had any doubt, it was so bad. But i guess she does like moldy food...

  4. Yes but what about testing/checking if your kid has a poopy diaper? As you stick your finger in there to pull back the diaper just a bit to see what is there, you get a finger full of poop. So what's worse a little sour milk or poop finger?

  5. Jon, you make a good point. However, if pressed to choose between them, I'd still say drinking sour milk is worse because you can take extra care when checking the diaper, making sure you only touch the outside. But if the milk is sour, you can only know for certain if you ingest some of the poison. If you had to ingest the poop, then we could start comparing.

    But I still agree that "poop finger" is pretty terrible. On the upside, however, I do think you may have hit upon a new nickname for Jen...
