Saturday, April 13, 2013

Have you missed GG?

Have you missed watching Gilmore Girls and struggling to keep up with its rapid-fire pace?

Have you missed the small-town feel and the quirky characters (Kirk)?

Have you missed feeling like a freaking genius when you picked up on one of their cultural references?

And feeling like an idiot because you didn't get the other hundred?

Because I have. I was a fan. But now there's almost a sufficient replacement out there: Bunheads. Have you seen it? It was created by the same woman who was behind Gilmore Girls and is kind of basically pretty much the same show, except this time the small town is a California beach town and the story centers around four high school girls and their ballet instructor. So there's more dancing and singing, which is cool, as the main character is a Broadway star. 

But that's about where the differences end. There are many of the same characters (Emily Gilmore, Kirk, Paris, and Gypsy, and on and on), the same breathy female vocalist singing the music between scenes, and the same humor and name dropping and pop culture references, all spoken at the speed of lightning—and I almost feel like I'm back in Stars Hollow. 

There's only one season so far. There are some episodes on Hulu, I think, but you can see the whole thing on Amazon. So if you miss GG, you should check it out. And that's my PSA for the week.


  1. Thank you! Will definitely check that out.

  2. Yes, i love any and all tv/movie recommendations. Every once in a while a group of friends here will send a mass text with their latest Netflix discovery which I love. We should create a platform like that online, or just do a blog post on it i guess.
