Tuesday, October 23, 2012

80s Pop Quiz

I know there are a lot of "You Know You're a Child of the 80s if . . . " posts and email forwards out there (back when people forwarded emails), but three specific things happened this last week that transported me back to my very own 80s childhood. To see if you had the same one I did, how about a quiz?

1. When was the last time you said the word "grody"?
I don't really remember ever saying this, but I heard it often enough. (And, to be honest, it was probably more 90s.) But Anna used it the other day and asked me if it was a real word, and it was SO weird to be reminded of it.

2. Do you remember Popples? The stuffed bear/marsupial (?) toys that could tuck themselves into their own little pouch? Better yet, did you own a Popple?

Not only did I own a popple (the lavender one, I believe), I also owned a Popple lunch box. Total awesomeness. This came up in a conversation about cool lunch boxes, which I haven't had the need to think about since about third grade.

3. Do you remember the show Lady Lovely Locks?

I don't remember the show so much as an awesome coloring book I had. But I'm pretty sure I haven't even thought of her since 1988. Anna and I were searching for something on Youtube, and a clip of the show came up and it was like I was Christopher Reeve looking at the penny. So we watched it, and she's a new fan.

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