Monday, June 4, 2012

May Photo Blitz

May was a complete whirlwind. I tried to make it last because I knew it was monumental (last month of kindergarten, last month of school before the calm but routine-free summer, etc.), but it ended anyway. Here are some of the things we did.

Kindergarten graduation. Do you love the upside-down-plastic-bowl graduation hats or what?

Anna showing me the chicks they got to see hatch in their classroom. Sometimes I wish I went to kindergarten.

with her teacher Mrs. Williams, who was amazing

In her outfit for the dance festival. Since the kindergarteners were dancing to Jackson 5's "ABC 123," the teachers requested they wear something from the 60s or 70s, so we went authentic. This is a dress my mom made for my oldest sister in probably 1970. She looked amazingly awesome.

Making a friendship lei at her class party. And I just noticed that's my foot in the corner. Proof that I was there.

The other thing we did this month is grow butterflies. We got this nifty net cage thing from Anna's grandma and we ordered some caterpillars online and all 5 grew into painted lady butterflies. We LOVED watching them grow and change. So fun.

We kept the butterflies inside for a few days until it warmed up enough for them to go outside. Their diet was seriously the cutest thing I've ever heard: fresh orange slices and sugar water dropped on fresh flowers. Doesn't that sound magically dainty?

This one stuck around for a while and didn't want to leave. (My shadow is further proof that I was there for all of these occasions.)

After we let the butterflies go, we noticed they left quite a few eggs behind. We're crossing our fingers and hoping to see some larvae soon. (<— sentence I never thought I'd say)

Now it's on to summer!


  1. Totally love the big white collar on Anna's dress. What were we thinking? I must do the butterfly thing! That's awesome.

  2. I'm assuming when you said, "She looked amazingly awesome" (in the 900% polyester homemade dress) you were referring to me. And in fact, I did.

  3. Christine, the butterfly thing was TOTALLY awesome. Check out the butterfly gardens at (I sound like an advertisement, but it was that cool.)

    As for a larvae update, the eggs did hatch, larvae did emerge, but they were so tiny, they crawled out of the net thing! Never to be seen again. If we do it again, I'll put the eggs in a jar until they hatch and grow into bigger caterpillars.
