Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kite Day: A Story

illustrations by What I Found On My Phone

Once upon a time, I was sad that winter was nearly over. It hadn't snowed nearly enough for my liking (we had only gone sledding once, for heaven's sake), and the temperature was already starting to warm up. But when I saw a couple 60-degree days in the forecast, I wasn't too sad anymore. Because, even though I would miss the snow, who doesn't like spring? The forecast for one warm day even said it would be windy, and I knew what that meant. Anna and I best be headin' to town to buy us a kite. This was the beauty we picked out.

photo and looming finger by Anna
It turned out to be a great flyer. It was easy to put together, there was no tangled string putting it away, and it came with a little storage case. Big fan. Thank you, Target.

After a few nose dives straight into the house, we had to borrow our neighbor's field so the butterfly had some room to spread its wings. (Writer fail.) The wind was perfect, launching that thing straight into the air at the first throw. At times it was almost too windy and it flew straight into a tree once, giving the butterfly a run for its money, but it stayed in one piece.

If you don't look too closely, it looks like I'm holding onto nothing. Just miming. Playing a casual game of invisible tug of war.

photo by Anna

Once we had some room, the kite flying was perfect. The 60 degrees felt delicious, as did the wind in our hair. (I also love the wind. Big fan of that too.)

So even though the sky was pretty much totally gray . . .

photo by Anna

. . . we still managed to have an amazing day. And we all lived happily ever after.

The End

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