Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I have ADGD.

It's a new condition. It stands for Attention Deficit Google Disorder. When I am writing or doing something else that's "work" on a computer, I seem to be less and less able to focus on what I'm actually doing and more and more able to come up with any reason to pause and google something. I love Google, but I don't like my new disorder.

It goes like this.

Writing, writing, writing. Something about a movie theater pops into my brain and, before I know it, I think, "Hey, I wonder what movies are playing this weekend." And off I go.

Or I read the word sports, which makes me think of warts, which makes me think, "Hey, I should find out about these ridges on my fingernails. That's vitally important to research right now." (By the way, vertical, orderly ridges are pretty common. Nothing to see here, except another five minutes gone.)

I am grateful for Google. I am. It's a wonder. You can find pretty much anything you ever wanted to know about anything on there. A recipe for homemade taco seasoning? Check. The reason why your thumbnails keep growing in bumpy? Check. The reason why that random person in that one show looks familiar? Check. (That's mostly thanks to IMDB, which is another favorite time suck.) A video of that song that you really liked from that random movie you saw but haven't thought about in years but are now bound and determined to find the soundtrack to that will then lead you to the video so you can listen to that song again? Check. ("Plainsong" by The Cure, by the way. Great song.)

And this is all fine and good, but I was trying to get some work done. This is how much Google has taken over our lives, for good and ill. (I think I really just hate that I don't have more self-restraint. But I'm not about to blog about my own faults, for heaven's sake.)


  1. YES!!! This is me! And when I am work (real work - my 8-5 job) I do it all the time. I can't go on blogs or Facebook or stuff like that at work, so I just Google the most random stuff. One of the most interesting thing I came across is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_methods_of_capital_punishment

    I am sorry in advance. But I just find it so fascinating. And hey, reading about execution is better than working. ;)

  2. I totally have zero attention span due to the internets. I was always a little scatterbrained but now i'm just completely all over the place.
