Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Full circle(s)

Life has come full circle in two ways lately. Or two circles have come . . . full circle . . . in my life lately. (Whatever.)

First circle: The other day while at the grocery store, Anna was exuberantly looking over the jars of pickles when she knocked a big one off the shelf and it shattered all over my feet. (As a side note, when we were assessing the situation after the pickle explosion, the first thing out of her mouth was, "Well, it sure smells good!" That girl loves her some pickles.) Anyway, as I paused to reflect on this momentous occasion and shake pickle-juice glass off my feet, I reminisced about how I was also present when my very own sister broke a jar of pickles at Reams probably 25 years ago. (I think my brother broke one too when he was a kid. What is it with kids and jars of pickles—a rite of passage? (That was for you, Jen.))

Second circle: When said sister was in town recently, our oldest brother was over visiting. He was holding Jen's little boy and then he hoisted little urchin girl Anna up as well, and we took this cute picture (that's his daughter Sydnee in front):

And then THAT reminded us of this picture (I feel like I'm telling an "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" story), which was taken probably 27-ish years ago:

Ash, Dan, Jen, and another sibling's bum—anyone want to claim it?

Awwww . . .  Isn't that fun? And man alive, the fact that I'm talking about remembering things 25+ years ago sounds weird to my ears and makes me feel old. The memories are very, very vague, though, if that means anything. :D


  1. Nice Mullet! The 80's are back you know.

  2. I agree that it makes me feel so old when I realize my memories are 20+ memories old. I also feel very old now that I've realized that many up and coming Hollywood stars and movie characters are younger than me. Ugh.

  3. I have to say that in the top picture, at first I was thinking Sydnee was you! (years ago of course)

  4. LOVE the living room decor the best. My mom loved that shade of blue back in the day.

  5. Kristi, that's funny. I can see some similarities (like the white-blond hair, for one thing). Jeremy's youngest also looks a lot like I did when I was her age. Sometimes I feel like we had the wrong kids. :D
