Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I've been a complete slacker.

As Melissa so appropriately pointed out in a recent comment, it is high time for another post. So here is a truckload of pictures from a little jaunt we recently took to San Diego with the extended Banks family. We hit Sea World, the Wild Animal Park, the San Diego Zoo, the pool, and we also did some shopping sans children. It was so fun yet so exhausting, relaxing, and incredibly memorable all at the same time. What a week it was.

Here's the whole crew at Sea World.

These next few were taken on the Sesame Street rides at Sea World. I'll be honest and say that I didn't mind taking Anna on them one bit. Being the youngest of my big family, I feel like I missed out on a few classic kid things because I was probably too young to appreciate them when everyone else in my family was doing it, like how I was 5 when we went to Disneyland. I don't even remember it. So now I get to live out my dream of going on the lame-o kid rides by going with Anna. I enjoyed every minute. And look how much she loved it.

Me, Anna, Trevor's sister Natalie, and Anna's cousin Jedrik. I think this picture gives you a perfect example of how Natalie and I often get mistaken for real-life sisters. People just see a mass of curls and think we're identical. (Also, I LOVE Jedrik's face in this one.)

This time, we were accompanied by Trevor's brother Devan. Gotta love the vomit-inducing tea cup rides.

This needs no explanation.

Trevor's brother Matt, Anna, Trevor's dad Randy, Devan, and Jedrik at the Wild Animal Park. At this point in the day, after trekking across the entire park, we were almost too tired to care that we could see a few giraffes about 6 miles away. But now it seems cool that we were actually that close.

Notice the gorilla to the left of Anna. Not the one in the purple shirt.

At the San Diego Zoo.

I cannot get enough of this picture. We decided to head to the zoo, just the three of us, and we got there at 6 after a long day — only to find out that it closes at 7. We ran like the wind to see as many animals as we could, and I think this picture accurately expresses our fatigue and general indifference at seeing the animals before us.

We took this umbrella stroller wherever we went, but Anna almost never wanted to sit in it. She pushed it everywhere and even harassed a duck or two by chasing them with it, which entertained me to no end.



  1. How Fun! Cute pictures. Looks like you all had a good time. :)

  2. fun... i want to go to there.

  3. My favorite picture is the fatiguing zoo trip! So cute.

    Also, Anna looks absolutely adorable in the picture with her on the bench with Jedrik - she's SO charming!

    Also also, Jen - I love that you said that. Liz Lemon is just about my favorite fictional character on TV right now.

  4. Anna's a real cutie.

    I'm amazed you guys tried fitting all that stuff into your trip. The picture of the zoo makes me chuckle.

  5. Anna makes an adorable butterfly! But you, Ashley are no caterpillar! You should have been one of the flowers!


  6. I would love it if Adam liked to take pictures of me and the kids. There are just not enough. The ones that ARE of me and the kids I had to take myself. :<

  7. Sandra, I was thinking along those same lines. However, I thought we should switch places, as we all know that Anna, the young caterpillar, will one day grow into the beautiful butterfly that I already am.

    And Angela, I totally know what you mean. Trevor's actually the same way. I only have the first several pictures of me and Anna because my in-laws took them.

    Everyone else, thanks for your comments. Thanks for not giving me the silent treatment for not posting for so long.

  8. Ashley! I love reading your blog! and I love all pictures of Anna!!! and especially the one where she's hugging those balls or however you call it in English :) and the one with Trevor is my second favourite :) Anna is just so cute. hope that everything is going great over there...hug Anna for me!

  9. I am bummed I didn't run into you while you were here, since I go to the zoo & wild animal park often... :)
    I'm sorry that you only had an hour for the zoo. If you choose to try it again I would love to go with you, my sister works there & might hook us up and our kids could play.
