As a sidenote, I thought I'd share my favorite quote of the trip, which came from Tamra, who has such a way with words. She had been commenting on what a delightful and smart little girl Anna is. (I know.) She talked about how fun it was to see Anna using complete sentences and using fun connecting words, like "I just think" and "So anyway..." But, Tamra said, sometimes Anna struggles to get everything out because her brain is working faster than her mouth. "So really, it's like listening to an 8-year-old with a learning disability." Awwww...
I'm posting pictures we took at the beach by the Santa Monica pier so you will see what an exciting destination the Banks Hotel can be.
I love this picture, but I tried to upload it like 7 times and this was the best it got. Small and a weird stripe at the bottom. Oh well.
(By the way, often when I upload pictures to the blog from iphoto, they upload like this. But not all the time. Does anyone know why?)
My wife sends her pictures straight to her photobucket account and adds them to her blog that way. She doesn't seem to have any problems that way and from what I understand, it's a feature the iphone touts.