Monday, July 14, 2008

Potato, puhtahto

I was helping Anna eat some soup last night and she was having a hard time pronouncing the word "potato." She has said it fine before, so I was helping her to fine-tune the pronunciation, as this time she happened to be calling them "tomatoes."

And this is how our conversation went.

Anna: (seeing an incoming bite of potato) "Tomato!"
Me: "No, this is a potato."
Anna: "Tomato."
Me: "No, puh-tay-toe."
Anna: "Tomato!"

We pause so she can eat a few more bites when I see this conversation isn't going anywhere.

And then I give it another go.

Me: "Say potato."
Anna: "Tomato."
Me: "Silly girl. Say puh-tay-toe. This is a potato. Potato."
Anna: "Yam!"


But I guess it would only be fair to tell you that "yam" is how Anna has been saying "yeah" lately. I don't know where the "m" came from, but, while it still makes me laugh that she was agreeing with me after all that, it made this little conversation an absolute gem.


  1. I shared this little anecdote at the breakfast table thismorning and the boys got a kick out of it! haha Garrett has been quoting it all day! That is really so cute, i like that you're a nice mom and actually let her get a few bites in. My dad sorta... took away the food until we could say it right. After we were pretty well-off speaking-wise, the table-time challenge morphed into math questions. It'll be nice when I move out and can eat a meal without stretching my brain before i'm allowed second-helpings :)

  2. Anna obviously has skills for compromising.
