Saturday, July 19, 2008

Not your typical Sunday afternoon

Last Sunday afternoon, the three of us were lazing around and basically doing nothing. Actually, I was doing nothing while Trevor read to me. We kept tossing around the idea of going for a nice Sunday stroll in the park since the weather was pretty mild, but we were too lazy to even decide. True to form, we planned to give it another thirty minutes or so and then we'd make a decision.

Not ten minutes later, the weather changed and down came the rain. Lightning and thunder followed in force, with Anna yelling "Loud!" and "Noise!" at every crack. It was super crazy. This went on for a while and then the lightning and thunder eased up, so we thought we'd let Anna out on the balcony to play in the rain a little. She had been wanting to touch it all evening.

(I'm going to apologize for the poor photography right from the get-go. The pictures are blurry, dark, and the bars kept getting in the way. I am quite an amateur, but I was also trying to not destroy the camera in the monsoon.)

While we were on the balcony, the rain came down more and more — and then we noticed the street was totally flooded. There's a curve in the road right by our building and the water had basically formed a small lake there. A few cars drove up on the sidewalk to get through, but most just turned around and went a different way.

The two tiny people in the center of the picture will give you an idea of how deep the water was — at least knee-deep, don't you think?

One small, though fairly bold, car decided to attempt driving down our street-turned-river. It started to float away after a few feet, so Trevor rolled his moose pajama pants (thanks, Jen) up to his knees, threw on my flip flops, and ran outside to help the driver push it to safety.

He was COMPLETELY drenched, as was Anna by this time — but it still took me a good 20 minutes to get her to come inside. And she still cried. But the rain finally let up a little after that and the flooding went down a few hours later. What a crazy, crazy storm.


  1. Wow, crrrazy. I'm glad the moose pants could be part of Trevor's helping the car. In fact, they probably gave him added strength.

  2. man oh man, we got floods and floods! sunday it flooded in siem reap.

  3. Wow! That looks I totally had a dream the other night that you came back to the U.S. and hung out with us. It was weird....but then again since being pregnant I have weird dreams every night.
