Friday, February 17, 2012

Annacdotes 21

This is how the valentine shirt turned out. I unknowingly bought fabric paint that dries very clear, unless you use a ton, so—while still cute and glittery—it didn't show up very well.

So Anna felt the need to kick it up a notch.

1. A recent prayer: "Please bless the kids in my class, that they will be healed from their colds, which they have been given . . . which was a non-good present."

2. To delay going to sleep as I was leaving her room: "Mom . . . wait. [ten second pause] I space L-O-V-E space Y-O-U space M-O-M space [five second pause]. . . wait, no space. Exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point, period." From my sweet robo-daughter.

3. Anna often chooses the shoes she wants to wear each day based on how fast she can run in them.

4. We got a new whiteboard at our house recently and it has become the new favorite toy. (See picture below.) I'll translate some of Anna's notes for you. Starting at the top, it says (and must be read with an accent), " 'Ello Stephanie Scoresby. May I have this dance?" Then under that, it says, essentially, "Whoever reads this will be punished. Thank you." When Anna called me over to read this particular note, I gasped. But she told me that the punishment was a hug. I was both delighted and a little concerned.

5. Anna also frequently decides what to wear each day based on how many colors and patterns she can wear at once.

6. After walking a friend home one chilly evening, Anna walked in the door and said, "My face is burning cold!"

7. Anna was dressing up the other day and came in wearing a black comb taped below her nose. For a mustache, naturally.

On that same note but on a different day, this was Anna's best effort to disguise herself as a man.

1 comment:

  1. That man disguise almost had me fooled - until I noticed the pink shirt with a pinker star…you might want to pass along that little hint so she'll be more convincing next time. :-) Also, I love her prayers - I want her to come and give my kids lessons on how to be more original in prayers and not say the same 3 things every time!
