Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Funny

A few things that made me laugh, of late. Happy Friday to all.

1. I just saw on my blogger stats that someone ended up at my blog after searching for "Hilary Banks hot." Funny, but I think Ashley was even hotter.

2. The fact that "premonish" is, indeed, a real word. A verb, meaning to warn beforehand. Huh. And not slang (or even communicating vagueness) in the slightest.

3. Finding this picture on my camera. One morning, I hadn't seen Anna for a while and decided to track her down. I found her outside, in her pajamas, playing "tennis" with pink fuzzy gloves and a baseball. (I stealthily took the picture through a window so that I wouldn't disturb the creature in her natural habitat.)

4. My dream a couple nights ago: I was sitting in a high school Physics class, making super lame Physics jokes to the kid next to me. (I don't even know enough about Physics to make Physics jokes, so this part of the dream was actually quite a feat.) And who was my teacher? RuPaul.

That's right, I said RUPAUL.

And what was RuPaul wearing? A v-neck sweater and a self-rhinestone-bedazzled jean skirt. Of course.

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