Friday, August 8, 2008

On moving

In general, moving is the pits. You're forced to interrupt your comfortable life, sort through all your stuff and throw away all the junk you've lazily been avoiding throwing away, pack the rest up into boxes, and then move it to a new place to live — assuming you have one.

This time around, I've come to several realizations about the moving process:

Man, I miss the college days when all of my belongings could fit in my car.

But with that said, this year is WAY easier than last year. Moving to Poland was much more difficult. For one thing, we have WAY less stuff and it just wouldn't be feasible to send most of it home, thereby making it really easy to give away or simply leave behind.

Plus, Trevor is in good health and can share the load a little. (Last summer, he had his tonsils removed like a week before we left for Poland. Cuh-razy. With a house to pack up into boxes, a patient to take care of, and a 1-year-old to entertain, I was on the brink of total meltdown for several days.)

On the other hand, it was more fun shocking people with the line "We're moving to Poland" last year instead of telling them about our much less exotic plans for this year. (By the way, my favorite response to that bit of news last year was, "Excuse me? Did you say 'Portland'? You're moving to Portland?")

Last year I was constantly wondering, even while doing it, how does one move to Poland? Who does that? How do you pack your life up in a suitcase or two and move across the world?

But we did it. And now we're about to move back — only with a lot more boxes of Polish paraphernalia to follow, this time.

Even though moving from Poland back to the U.S. will be easier, that's really only the first phase, with the huge move from Utah to California looming ahead. For instance, this will be the first time any type of moving truck will be involved. Yuck.

But on the upside, I don't have five brothers for nothing. Get excited, boys!

And lastly, it's finally time to come to terms with the fact that I packed like a complete crazy person last fall. (Like I said, I was on the verge of insanity for a couple weeks, but still.) I'm left wondering, now that we're packing all of our stuff to take home, how in the world I ended up packing like, 6 Tuffy Tooth t-shirts. Did I think I would need 6 free t-shirts from my dentist, that I could not last a year without them? Okay, so I wear them to bed, but 6? Honestly...

1 comment:

  1. moving blows. I wish i could help you with all o' that.

    I, too, enjoyed telling people you were moving to Poland.

    You can never have too many tuffy tooth shirts. In fact, i think a good rule would be you can pack whatever you want, as long as you have the shirts.
