Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mystery Solved

So, as many of you have heard, Anna has called herself Papa for the last few months. We had absolutely no idea where this came from, but we loved hearing her say it and we repeatedly pointed to her, asking "Who's this?" just to hear it a hundred more times. Everyone we know here loves that she calls herself Papa and they call her that just to make it stick. But, as cute as it was, we still couldn't figure out where she got it. We wracked our brains, thinking of any other words we say or nicknames that might sound similar. (The closest thing we came up with was "poke poke," which is what I say when I poke her revealed belly button. But that still didn't seem to be it.)

And then one day it clicked.

People frequently stop us on the streets or talk to us on buses or trams because they're charmed by Anna's innate adorableness, and they do quite a lot of Polish baby talk with Anna. And then as they leave, they wave and say "pa pa," the Polish version of "ta ta" or "bye bye." There it was! She thought they were calling her that and that "pa pa" was her name. The human mind is a wonder and I love seeing Anna's at work. Anyway, this connection just occurred to me the other day and I had to share so that you could see the method to her madness.


  1. how cute ashley. i'm glad you're writing all this stuff down. i like reading it and you will probably forget it in a year (at least that's how my sad brain works) so it will be fun to read about it and laugh again.

  2. wow! (not wiw, like i just typed) that's pretty cool. maybe trevor should only speak polish around her so she grows up bilingual. wouldn't that be fun? not knowing what he's saying to her...

    also, the word verification word for this comment is "alsuue" and i really like it. she might be ahlsye's cousin.
