Saturday, January 9, 2010

Announcing the new...

Lone Peak High School Class of 2000
I had a dream last night that I was back in high school and they made me valedictorian. Ha! There was this big surprise ceremony where they announced that, while my grades were in fact good, they were choosing the valedictorian based on different criteria this year: hard work and well-roundedness. Awesome. My brain is amazing for coming up with this. As I recall, upon hearing that I was named valedictorian, I stood and put my hand over my heart and said, "Thank you! I'm honored." And that was the end of my dream. Eat that, Matt Pierce.*

*The real valedictorian from our graduating class, and a good friend.


  1. nerrrrrrrd!

    word verification: foxizato. This is a musical term meaning, to play in a sly-like manner.

  2. random post you have there since I also had a LPHS dream last night that we were at our reunion, I was worried someone would steal my bike that I rode there, and that there was a choir to sing our way into the reunion, as well as lame cliques that told me I sucked. Maybe we are each living weird parts of our past.

  3. I thought Todd Vawdry was it. Or was he just mad that he wasn't it?

    Jen: LAME. Not a music term and you know it.

  4. Brittny: The lame cliques thing cracked me up. And seriously. We must be getting ready, psychologically, for our 10-year reunion.

    And Tamra: I honestly couldn't remember if Matt was it or not. I even tried to do some internet research before I posted this, but it proved fruitless. Anyway, I THINK he was it... (Good friend, right?)

  5. Matt was totally our valedictorian and Lindsay Reimschussel was runner up.
