Sunday, October 18, 2009

Favorite books from my childhood

I loved any book about Amelia Bedelia.
Whoa. Tiny picture. In case you can't read the title, this one's "Parakeets and Peach Pies."
The slightly-unnerving "Doctor De Soto." (You shouldn't write children's books about animals in danger of being eaten. It's just not right.)
This one was a favorite of my mom's so it became a favorite of mine.
"Tikki Tikki Tembo"
"The Magic Fish." (As a sidenote, I think it's funny that I grew up thinking I had read Hemingway's "Old Man and the Sea" because I got the title confused with this favorite. Strangely, Hemingway's book is nothing like this one.)
Basically anything about the Berenstain Bears
And anything about the Little Critter
And the nightmare-inducing "Mr. and Mrs. Pig's Evening Out." Have you read this one, the one with the wolf babysitter? What were they thinking?
I love this little guy.

And these were just a few off the top of my head. I love finding some of these at the library and taking them home to read to Anna. They totally take me back.

What are some of your favorites?


  1. One of my favorites was "Yertle the Turtle ang other stories" The pictures aren't great, but I have good memories of Grandma reading it to me. I still have it,
    Also, the "If you give a Moose a Muffin/ A Mouse a cookie," etc.

  2. I love Corduroy books. I saw one at Walmart the other day and had to get because, well, it's Corduroy!

    Did you hear they are making a Romona and Beezus movie?

  3. Uhh, ditto on the Magic Fish/Old Man and the Sea confusion. What? It's a book about an old man who fishes in the sea. Same book.

    Of course those are all of my favorites too. Totally forgot about Mr. & Mrs. Pig.

    don't forget Babysitter's Club. You know you read them late at night when no one's watching. (i would)

  4. I really liked Dr. Suess books and Where the Wild Things Are - Can't wait for the movie!!!

  5. We read the Magic Fish to the kids everyday! It's wonderful.

  6. Miss Rumphius, The Litte House by Virginia Lee Burton, and The Ox-Cart Man. Now that I work at a bookstore I seem to know many more books these days. If you want one 40 percent off, let me know and I will order it, you pay me, and then I pay for it. Just because you are my one Ashley Scoresby. That's the only reason.

  7. I used to LOVE that book "Go, Dogs, Go!" I wanted to go to that party on the top of the tree SO bad! It looked like a really fun party! But I thought that the male dog who always told the lady dog that he didn't like her hat was kind of rude! There was another book that I don't remember the name of that I must have checked out of our city library 20 times. Each page was a different color and it would say things like, "Yellow is a dandelion, the yolk of an egg, the sun in the sky and snow that should never be eaten." (OK, that's not an exact quote, but you get the idea…) (Sandra)

  8. yay for diggingest dog. read that thousands of times as a kid. mr. and mrs. pig's evening out...that one scared me...didn't want mom and dad to leave after that one.
    one of my all time favorites...hand hand fingers thumb...(drumming book, probably why my dad read it to us)
    thanks for sharing your faves!
