1. Anna was looking at a book about animals and she pointed to a prairie dog and said, "What is this, Mom? A mini corn dog?" You can tell what she likes to eat for dinner.
2. We were reading yet a different book with animals and Anna said, "Mom, am I an animal?" I said, "Yes, you're a monkey, remember?" Without missing a beat, she said, "Ooh ooh ah ah!" and did some wiggling. My little comedienne. (That's cute and all, but mostly it's just pretty amazing timing for a 2-year-old, don't you think?)
3. Anna and I went on a date last week to McDonalds. Awesome, I know. We ate our nutritious dinner in the play place area next to a window. While she was chewing, she just kept looking around — in awe of her surroundings, I guess. When she realized that she could see her reflection in the window, she immediately opened her mouth so that she could show herself the food she was chewing. Nice. She kept at that for a good 5 minutes. I hope the people coming inside enjoyed the preview of the meal they were about to eat.
4. The last couple mornings when I've gone in to get Anna, she's been on the phone with Robin Hood. She pretends to hold a phone up to her ear and has a fairly normal conversation with him, telling him what I'm doing or what she did yesterday. In the middle, she'll move the "phone" and whisper, "Mom, it's Robin Hood," and then she'll go back to her normal phone voice. Classic. She also has quite the crush on him and has said that he's very handsome and that she's going to marry him. He IS quite a fox...
5. Anna fell down the other day and had a teary moment. After we got it all taken care of, she still had the sniffles for a few minutes. Finally I said, "Is your nose okay? Do you need a tissue?" She said, "Yeah, I just have tears in my nose." Awwww....